This problem is now over 4 months old but seems to have started being reported more. Over the past week I’ve heard a number of reports of databases being corrupted after backups where the VMware API’s for Data Protection (VADP) were used with change block tracking on ESXi 6.0 if you are not on the patched or latest build. I think one of the reasons this hasn’t been noticed much sooner is that customers are now starting to upgrade to ESXi 6.0 in greater numbers. This may also be because some customers have an N-1 policy, so install 6.0 GA when U1 is out for example. Upgrading to ESXi 6.0 has many benefits for almost all environments, and it pays to upgrade to the latest patched version (to try and avoid these types of problems) and thoroughly test before putting into production. This problem demonstrates a need to check KB articles for known issues, in addition to release notes, when performing an upgrade. VMware published a KB article on this problem some time ago and the patch to address this problem has been available since 25th June 2015. If you are in the process of upgrading to ESXi 6.0 or have done already, it is my recommendation to be running on the latest build if possible. I hope the majority of you have no encountered this problem.